Lactose Intolerance is a general description used for people who cannot easily digest lactose. That is because they do not have enough lactase, an enzyme in the digestive system that helps break down the lactose in food. Click here to buy Lacteeze online which has the missing enzyme to help you digest any lactose in dairy. |
Primary Lactose Intolerance is the most common type of lactose intolerance seen among children and adults. It is a normal, age-related decrease in lactase enzyme activity. Primary lactose intolerance is hereditary, passed on by an autosomal recessive gene. Levels of intolerance vary for each individual. |
Due to this hereditary relationship certain races and geographical areas are more likely to have lactose intolerance. |
The following table shows how lactose intolerance affects Australians and others overseas. |
Percentage |
Australia & New Zealand – Children |
Asian in Australia |
93 |
Australian Aboriginal |
84 |
Greeks in Australia |
56 |
NZ Maori |
21 |
NZ Samoan |
0-35 |
Australian Caucasian |
3-Sep |
NZ Caucasian |
5 |
Australia & New Zealand – Adults |
Asian in Australia |
95 |
Australian Aboriginal |
84 |
NZ Maori |
64 |
NZ Samoan |
54 |
Australian Caucasian |
Apr-17 |
NZ Caucasian |
9 |
Other Countries |
African Blacks |
95 |
Indians |
90 |
Asians |
90 |
African Americans |
75 |
Mexican Americans |
75 |
Mediterraneans |
60 |
North American Caucasianstext |
15 |