
This is where we list lactose free products that you can either purchase online or find at your local supermarket/health food store.

This is the first step which will hopefully lead to an increase of products and categories listed. We hope this will educate the lactose intolerant community about the amount of lactose free specific products that are available. Please click below to start exploring the products on offer.

If you wish to advertise your lactose free products on our pages visit our advertise page. If have any comments about lactose free products, please email

Hide details for Biscuits Biscuits
Leda Minton Biscuits 9.7/10 (10 comments)
Leda Choculence Biscuits 9.1/10 (7 comments)
Hide details for Cheese Cheese
Tofutti Cream Cheese 9.3/10 (33 comments)
Mini-Chol Imitation Cheese 9.2/10 (24 comments)
Simply Better Foods Soy Cheese 6.8/10 (22 comments)
Tofutti Soy Cheese Slices 5.1/10 (13 comments)
Hide details for Chocolate Chocolate
Akta-Vite 8.8/10 (6 comments)
Go Natural Easter Eggs 7.8/10 (4 comments)
Kinnerton Chocolate Bar 7.4/10 (8 comments)
Sweet William Easter Bunny 6.4/10 (7 comments)
Sweet William Dairy Free Chocolate Bar 6.3/10 (7 comments)
Green Blacks Organic Chocolate Bar 4.5/10 (2 comments)
Hide details for Ice Cream Ice Cream
Tofutti Cuties 10.0/10 (7 comments)
Mototo Premium Desserts 9.7/10 (29 comments)
So Good Frozen Dessert 8.9/10 (14 comments)
Soylati Ice Cream 8.7/10 (3 comments)
Purely Decadent Frozen Dessert 6.8/10 (6 comments)
Tofutti Milk Free Frozen Dessert 6.7/10 (3 comments)
Hide details for Medical Medical
Inner Health Plus Dairy Free 9.3/10 (3 comments)
Caltrate Calcium Supplements 8.3/10 (3 comments)
Lacteeze Tablets 8.1/10 (43 comments)
Hide details for Milk Milk
Liddells Lactose Free Milk 9.4/10 (52 comments)
Zymil Lactose Free Milk 9.3/10 (72 comments)
Vitasoy Creamy Original 9.0/10 (7 comments)
Bonsoy Soy Milk 8.8/10 (8 comments)
So Good Regular Soy Milk 8.1/10 (7 comments)
Hide details for Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Symingtons Dandelion Tea 7.8/10 (9 comments)
Amazon Lactose Intolerant Bookshop 7.7/10 (3 comments)
Hide details for Seasonal Seasonal
Go Natural Easter Eggs 7.8/10 (4 comments)
Sweet William Easter Bunny 6.4/10 (7 comments)
Hide details for Spreads Spreads
Yumi Dips 9.9/10 (16 comments)
Nuttelex Original Table Spread 9.5/10 (14 comments)
Sweet William Chocolate Spread 9.5/10 (2 comments)
Meadow Lea Spread Free 9.0/10 (5 comments)
Other Spreads 8.0/10 (2 comments)
Hide details for Yogurt Yogurt
Vaalia Lactose Free Yogurt 8.8/10 (32 comments)
Liddells Lactose Free Yogurt 8.3/10 (29 comments)
Kingland Soy Yogurt 7.5/10 (20 comments)